|2-THE |2-FUTURE $fe0 By $fb0 ßootßlock/TerraForm $fff Hullo there you time travellers. Ahem. Not exactly. So, does anyone believe in time-travel ? I've got a cheesey way of seeing if it is actually possible. It really depends on if The Word is famous enough and "survives" (as in keeps on going on OR if someone happens to have a copy in their attic or summat). If some time in the future (if/when time-travel is a reality), someone who has the ability to time-travel stumbles upon this issue of The Word and see's this article might do this little favour (not really the wording I wanted to use). If you can time-travel then do the following : Set your time-travelling thang to go back in time to 15/07/1996 at 03:00am at the following addy: 115 Corporation Road Grimsby N.E. Lincs DN31 1UR ENGLAND (Earth) (Just past the Milky Way) Bring some stuff wiv yer, like: ø All/Most/Some of the National Lottery results for the UK lottery. ø A time-travel device thang. ø Some good inventions. ø The latest Amiga + tons of software/extras to last me a lifetime =) ø Imortality would be nice. ø A *HUMONGUS* A1200 harddrive (they should be shit-cheap). ø News of major/interesting events/things. ø News of any alien life forms. ø News of kinky new planets/galaxies/thangs. ø Some stuff than happens in Neighbours (erm... for Freak, not for me, as I'm not that sad. Ahem...). ø Does Isla Fisher's (Shannon of Home & Away) tits get bigger ? (Their very nice as they are, actually) ø Does Northen Upholstery still krank out an advert every bloody week ? ø When will series #7 of Red Dwarf be on the bloody telly !? The BBC (grrrr) sez Feb `96 but now it's July `96 and I'M GETTING IMPATIENT ! -+- Erm.... this article was a good idea when I thought about it, but it appears to be a bit cack now when typed out (and it makes me out to be a reet spaz). -+- I can now (nearly) confindently (spelt wrong of course! ;) say that time-travel doesn't exist. How? Well because it's waaayy past 3·00am and nuffin's happened. Anyway, y'see. When I FIRST thought about doing an article like this, I could've very well put in an earlier date & time for the person to "travel" to. I.E. I could've put the date & time to about 1 min after I thought about doing an article like this and the person would've travelled to that time - and I wouldn't even have written the article (I WOULD'VE, but to myself in that time, I wouldn't have actually written it and wouldn't know what I actually wrote - apart from writing something about time-travelling back in time). OR If I had put the time to travel to 3 seconds BEFORE I FIRST thought about this article writing, and the person did travel to the specified place at the specified time, I wouldn't know WHAT THE HELL that person was on about and think that they're lying their gonads off (unless they had some kind of explanation - I am an open minded dood me is!). +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | -> That was a *QUALITY* article my ßootßlock/TerraForm <- | | | | I.E | | | | No swearing, | | No cack, | | Nothing for Freak to | | complain about | +-----------------------------------------------------------+